To build a culture of excellence by partnering with teachers & organisations empowering students with
olistic education, life skills and values that enable them to become global citizens.
Welcome to Goenka Global Education
We at Goenka Global Education believe in nurturing children to become Global Citizens, such that they identify being an integral part of the emerging world community and also share values, responsibilities, empathy and respect for differences and diversity.
Goenka Global Education is an enterprise which is committed to offering holistic & transformative education through innovation and experiential learning environments. With more than fifteen years of experience in education, Goenka Global Education believes in the use of disruptive technologies* to raise the standard of education.
Students are nurtured and trained in different aspects of learning to face the challenges of the real world. Education curriculum is centred around empowering students with the right kind of thinking, abilities and skill sets which ensures that they are successful to compete in a fiercely competitive global environment.To achieve this vision, Goenka Global Education has partnered with like-minded institutions to leverage on the combined strengths and expertise of all partners. We ensure that children get the right kind of stimulating environment from their early years, helping them to work on their strengths and move towards a career that they love.

Our Vision
To build a culture of excellence by partnering with teachers & organisations
empowering students with holistic education, life skills and values that enable
them to become global citizens.
Our Mission
Creating an expansible and sustainable global standard for holistic education
using cutting edge technology and experiential learning.
Our Goals & Values
Integrity means doing the right thing at all times and in all circumstances, whether or not anyone is watching. We act in accordance with our values, even when it’s difficult.
At all times, our team is fully committed to pursue excellence and is unwavering in its commitment to shun the average and pursue the extraordinary.
We believe in using disruptive technologies to constantly elevate the experience of learning for students and constantly re- inventing the process of learning.
We respect diversity and embrace a range of cultures as part of the social fabric of our society. We believe in fairness and equality in opportunity.
We believe in best practises that nourishes nature and society and we are committed to building these value systems in
our students
Nature & Society
We believe in best practises that nourishes nature and society and we are committed to building these value systems in
our students